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Exclusive training courses for
the upscale hotel industry

Welcome to Hotelscape!
Rainer Lagemann - Your expert
Excellent service, perfect processes and enthusiastic guests - these are the success factors that characterise every hotel brand. As an experienced hotel industry expert, I support high-end hotels in optimising their service quality, strengthening their teams and taking the guest experience to a new level.
With tailor-made training programmes and innovative concepts, I help not only to meet guests' expectations, but to exceed them. A particular focus is on personalisation and creating unforgettable moments that leave a lasting impression.

Videoplatzhalter - Video von Rainer in Action
Benefit Argumentation plus figures, data, facts, foi calculation
‘Qualified employees are in short supply.’
According to a recent study*, 76% of hoteliers say they have difficulty filling vacancies. Well-trained employees are your competitive advantage: not only do they act more confidently and efficiently, they also feel valued - a decisive factor in retaining them in the long term.
‘Your guests' expectations have risen.’
Guests are more demanding than ever: 82% expect excellent service, while at the same time they have become more price-sensitive. Today, your team must not only be competent and friendly, but also actively create moments that positively surprise guests and create emotional loyalty.
‘Fluctuation costs you more than you think.’
The costs of training new employees are enormous - time and money that are often underestimated. Investing in training, on the other hand, pays off quickly: A well-trained team feels more confident and satisfied and remains loyal to you, which reduces your operating costs in the long term.
‘Outstanding service is no coincidence.’
In an industry based on interpersonal experiences, the quality of your team makes the difference between success and failure. With targeted training, you not only invest in your team, but also directly in the satisfaction of your guests and in better ratings.
‘Qualified employees are in short supply.’
According to a recent study*, 76% of hoteliers say they have difficulty filling vacancies. Well-trained employees are your competitive advantage: not only do they act more confidently and efficiently, they also feel valued - a decisive factor in retaining them in the long term.
‘Your guests' expectations have risen.’
Guests are more demanding than ever: 82% expect excellent service, while at the same time they have become more price-sensitive. Today, your team must not only be competent and friendly, but also actively create moments that positively surprise guests and create emotional loyalty.
‘Fluctuation costs you more than you think.’
Die Kosten für die Einarbeitung neuer Mitarbeiter sind
enorm – Zeit und Geld, die oft unterschätzt werden. Investitionen in Schulungen hingegen zahlen sich schnell aus: Ein gut geschultes Team fühlt sich sicherer, zufriedener und bleibt Ihnen treu, was langfristig Ihre Betriebskosten senkt.
‘Outstanding service is no coincidence.’
In einer Branche, die auf zwischenmenschlichen Erlebnissen basiert, entscheidet die Qualität Ihres Teams über Erfolg
oder Misserfolg. Mit gezielten Trainings investieren Sie nicht nur in Ihr Team, sondern direkt in die Zufriedenheit Ihrer Gäste und in bessere Bewertungen.

We visit your hotel incognito and with a trained eye. Nobody knows we're there - and that's exactly what makes the difference. Our mystery checks show you how your hotel looks from the perspective of a real guest: What runs smoothly and where is there room for improvement? But we go further: with concrete solutions, we help you to take the guest experience to the next level.

Why a mystery check with us?
‘Your guests see a lot - we see everything.’
We find the blind spots that you overlook in everyday life. -
‘Service that inspires starts with honest feedback.’
We show you how guests really experience your hotel. -
‘Mistakes cost - we prevent them.’
Our analyses help you to turn costly weaknesses into real strengths. -
‘More than just criticism.’
We provide you with directly realisable solutions that help your team move forward.

Curious about the most honest guest you've ever had?
A mystery check is your way to better results, more satisfied guests and teams that are proud of their work.
My certifications
Quality that creates trust